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Demon God of War

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category Fantasyauthor WoChouDaoLingHunShenChustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1176716 Wordslatest update 2024-09-09
total hits 29Month hits 13Week hits 2
Total referrals 0Month referrals 0Week referrals 0

Demon God of WarBrief introduction:

In the ancient barbaric era, demons were raging on the earth...
The sages of the human race on the earth have opened up thousands of martial arts to compete with them...
Later, there were those who found another way and were as smart as the sky. They collected demon blood, purified it, and refined it with infinite elixirs. They looked for those with special blood among human warriors and implanted the demon blood into them, making them mutable while retaining human characteristics.  As a demon…
Such warriors are called ‘demon warriors’. They have a lethality that even demons cannot match, and their potential is endless.  A fist can break stars, a palm can cut off rivers, the sun and moon can pass through the sky, and stars can be roared down...
There are many varieties of demon blood, so demon warriors may transform into birds and eagles, soaring in the sky; or they may be like the essence of beasts, with strong claws and sharp teeth... What's more, they may transform into ancient ferocious beasts that can blow up the air with a single flap of their wings.  The destructive storm can summon thunder, lightning, ice and snow, and can also absorb the light of the sun, moon and stars. Life is almost eternal and coexists with heaven and earth...

      Keywords:Demon God of War WoChouDaoLingHunShenChu Demon God of WarRead the full text Demon God of WarTXT download

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