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Yongzhen Immortal Demon

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category Fantasyauthor ZhiBaistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4859793 Wordslatest update 2024-09-09
total hits 12Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Yongzhen Immortal DemonBrief introduction:

How many people know that there is a monster hiding in their hearts?  How many people know that there are actually two sides to themselves?  There is heaven and earth on the ground, and there is an endless abyss underground.  When there are more and more evil thoughts, they will eventually converge into disaster.  At this time, the sky is blind and the people are ruthless. Who can save the country?  The young man points one finger to the sky and the other to the ground, with a divine throne behind him.

      Keywords:Yongzhen Immortal Demon ZhiBai Yongzhen Immortal DemonRead the full text Yongzhen Immortal DemonTXT download

      Yongzhen Immortal Demonlatest chapter:Volume 1: Change of Luck Shen Teng Chapter 988: I am everywhere [Finale]

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