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the last prehistoric dinosaur

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category Sci-fiauthor ZuiMoZhongstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 813864 Wordslatest update 2024-09-09
total hits 7Month hits 4Week hits 0
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the last prehistoric dinosaurBrief introduction:

In the leafy subtropical jungle, a crown-toothed beast was drinking water calmly by the river, without noticing the sinister little eyes of several mesopods behind the long grass; upstream of the river, an adult crocodile dived its entire body into the river.  Underwater, waiting for an opportunity to have a good show of "the mantis stalks the cicada, with the oriole behind".
However, this planned serial killing feast was ruined because of the intervention of a dwarf tyrannosaurus.  Seeing that their prey was snatched away by this bully, the mesoclaws could only helplessly lick each other's wounds and continue to look for the next target; as for the lurking crocodile, they had already fled back to their nest in fear.
This scene occurred in the Cenozoic Era, at least 10 million years later than the "Cretaceous-Tertiary dinosaur mass extinction event" speculated by scientists in the 21st century.
As the last dinosaur of the new generation, Qiao Hua feels that he has a long way to go.
"Can you imagine the despair I felt when I knew I was the last dinosaur?" Qiao Hua gently scratched his white belly with his paws and said, "This is like being reborn as Zhang Zuolin, and then asking the person next to me  Where is the adjutant? Damn, Huanggutun!"

      Keywords:the last prehistoric dinosaur ZuiMoZhong the last prehistoric dinosaurRead the full text the last prehistoric dinosaurTXT download

      the last prehistoric dinosaurlatest chapter:Text target=_blank Chapter 260 The Tragedy of the Giant Scorpion

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