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film master

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category Romanceauthor JiQiRenWaListatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4374713 Wordslatest update 2024-09-09
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film masterBrief introduction:

Some people say he is a young genius, while others say he is an arrogant idiot.  Some people say he is a playboy, others say he is a peerless good man...
Film critics love him, movie fans are crazy about him, female stars want to be close to him, theater owners even regard him as God... Take a look at his list of works, which include Oscar-level literary classics and phenomenal commercials.  With his handwriting, he has always led the trend of movies.
A Chinese-American prodigal son studying at Harvard-Westlake High School wakes up in time and embarks on a glorious and thorny road to save his family and pursue his dreams.
Ye Wei, a film master is rising.

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