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The Emperor of Divine Weapons

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category Fantasyauthor ShiErLongJistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3620318 Wordslatest update 2024-09-08
total hits 12Month hits 0Week hits 0
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The Emperor of Divine WeaponsBrief introduction:

Yang Zhao traveled through time, and he discovered that this was a magical world of martial arts built on the basis of the mysterious magic weapons and the legend of the Emperor. It was a world of the Tathagata Divine Palm, the Huntian Treasure Mirror, the Heavenly Demon Technique, and the Ten Heavenly Divine Weapons.  Use martial arts to judge respect, and the weak will eat the strong.  As the prince of the Sui Dynasty, how on earth would he deal with the countless dissatisfied forces around him and finally embark on the road to becoming an emperor?

      Keywords:The Emperor of Divine Weapons ShiErLongJi The Emperor of Divine WeaponsRead the full text The Emperor of Divine WeaponsTXT download

      The Emperor of Divine Weaponslatest chapter:First Issue Chapter 366: Finale? The Great Sui Dynasty

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