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red egg

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category Horrorauthor XieTustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 394048 Wordslatest update 2024-09-08
total hits 9Month hits 4Week hits 0
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red eggBrief introduction:

Hope is buried in a coffin and returns to the world with the catalyst.  The restless soul awakens in the red egg.  In the endless terrifying night, the resentful spirits that have been sealed for thousands of years refuse to leave.  Everything is the cursed fate at the beginning of reincarnation.  A very dangerous house, a very evil place, a red egg opened the prelude to terror...

      Keywords:red egg XieTu red eggRead the full text red eggTXT download

      red egglatest chapter:Volume 1: Mysteries in the Ancient House Chapter 124: The Lost Soul

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