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category Romanceauthor LangXiangRustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1672695 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
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GumenBrief introduction:

There are eight hidden gates and three houses of the Five Elements.  It was originally intended to be a check and balance, but it was repeatedly expelled and killed. After thousands of years of ups and downs, its talents have withered and it has almost disappeared.
Can the Outer Eight Gates survive the existential crisis safely?  Can the hidden door maintain the order that has remained unchanged for thousands of years?
The eyes of the world are focused on a "fool" who has just woken up.

      Keywords:Gumen LangXiangRu GumenRead the full text GumenTXT download

      Gumenlatest chapter:Episode 1 Awakening Chapter 339 [Final Chapter] New World

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