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Heavenly Sword Royal Dao

Heavenly Sword Royal Dao最新章节列表,Heavenly Sword Royal Dao全文阅读

category Wuxiaauthor LiangChengFustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2147656 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
total hits 10Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Heavenly Sword Royal DaoBrief introduction:

This book tells the story of a young man who was born in the modern world and was destined to enter the underworld. However, his body was controlled by a demon in an unexpected situation. From then on, his life trajectory changed drastically.
Seeing that the future was dim and confused, his fighting spirit was aroused, but because of a single attack, the whereabouts of his descendant of the soul-eating lineage were leaked, forcing him to give up everything in the world and enter the world of cultivation...
This book aims to create a complete story of cultivating immortality. Every detail has been carefully considered and rigorous, and the vast picture of cultivating immortality slowly unfolds.

      Keywords:Heavenly Sword Royal Dao LiangChengFu Heavenly Sword Royal DaoRead the full text Heavenly Sword Royal DaoTXT download

      Heavenly Sword Royal Daolatest chapter:Volume 1: Turbulence in the World target=_blank Chapter 612: Preparation

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