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Le Zun

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category Fantasyauthor GuiGuXianShistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2522633 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
total hits 6Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Le ZunBrief introduction:

Heaven has five movements and six qi, and music has five tones and six rhythms. This is a world that uses music to practice. Only music can resonate with the aura of heaven and earth, lead the aura into the body, and turn it into heroic spirit. Therefore, as a gold medal musician, he is proficient in  Xiao Yun, who played various musical instruments, began his journey to become a strong player.
Others cultivate the five-note way, but I cultivate the seven-note way. All kinds of music from the past life can be produced at your fingertips!
The song "Broken Formation" breaks all the formations in the world!
"Uneasy" has people from all over the world worshiping it!
A song "Swordsman", the five notes are reversed, and the heroism is soaring!
One day, I will defy heaven and become a saint, and be respected in the world!

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