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Preach the Word

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category Fantasyauthor MengHuDaoChangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3230826 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
total hits 9Month hits 1Week hits 1
Total referrals 0Month referrals 0Week referrals 0

Preach the WordBrief introduction:

As the 78th generation master of Laojun Temple, Jia Kedao is under a lot of pressure due to recent business slump.
"Why is it that no one in the village is seriously ill during this period?" There was a grunt, and the cry of hunger came from the stomach.
Looking at the empty rice vat and the sudden appearance of the black light door, Heixin Xiaodao held a talisman and bravely walked into the black light door.
     What is this place?  Jia Kedao was dumbfounded by the dozens of suns in the sky.

      Keywords:Preach the Word MengHuDaoChang Preach the WordRead the full text Preach the WordTXT download

      Preach the Wordlatest chapter:Volume One: First Entering Another World target=_blank Chapter 910: Finale (Eleven Thousand Chapters

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