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category Fantasyauthor BuSiXiaoYustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4775180 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
total hits 5Month hits 0Week hits 0
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source beads changeBrief introduction:

Endless void, vast universe, alien invasion, raging war, destruction of civilization, an origin pearl is left in Tianxin Continent, the core pearl of the origin universe changes, opening a new magical world
Nine elements of magic, namely gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness and space, came into being. Murong Yu relied on the laws of the nine elements to conquer the world and stand out from the crowd.
There are the grievances of the five empires here, and the suppressed ancient ethnic groups. These things are like the dark parts in everyone's heart, they have their own value of existence, and they also have reasons to be abandoned.
For the sake of profit, human beings can kill each other, and for the sake of survival, human beings can unite with each other. Where is the shining point of human nature?
What is magic?  It is a kind of desire, a kind of sustenance, a kind of perception, and the deep desire in people's hearts!  What are the laws corresponding to each type of magic?
The biggest highlight of this book is the bloody fighting, each scene is grander than the last. As for the deep concepts hidden in it, please understand it carefully, and please feel free to collect it.  This book will never be updated!  It won’t be a waste!  No eunuch!

      Keywords:source beads change BuSiXiaoYu source beads changeRead the full text source beads changeTXT download

      source beads changelatest chapter:Volume 8 Chapter 1008 Finale

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