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weapons expert

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category Romanceauthor GuanXingMengQingMingstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4370180 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
total hits 8Month hits 0Week hits 0
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weapons expertBrief introduction:

When the rifle that came out of his hand could be used as a machine gun, and the anti-material sniper rifle that came out of his hand threw Barrett three streets away, and various weapons were made from his hand, he realized that the world had changed because of this.  .  This is a world of weapons.  PS: This is just a fictional world, please don’t compare it with reality.  Please also stop talking about unrealistic issues.

      Keywords:weapons expert GuanXingMengQingMing weapons expertRead the full text weapons expertTXT download

      weapons expertlatest chapter:Text Chapter 1001 Modification of FY Series Fighters

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