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Overlord s sky

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category Fantasyauthor LanShiZistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 715706 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
total hits 8Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Overlord s skyBrief introduction:

Announcement: A new book by Lion has been released. The title is "The Great Builder" and the ISBN is 2331298. Come and leave your paw prints!
This is a story that takes place in a world dominated by swords and magic... Although I want to say this, unfortunately, there is no magic in this book from beginning to end. Of course, other supernatural powers are also excluded.  .
What controls this world is technology.  Or to be more precise, it is industrial technology represented by airships.  Through the air corridors established by airships, people can travel freely around the world, and the aerial combat cavalry developed for the purpose of combat has completely buried the traditional war profession of "knight".
Under the dangerous sky filled with giants, sky pirates, monsters and dragons, a young man living in the wilderness embarked on an adventurous journey to the civilized world.
So, through his eyes, what kind of world do you want to see?

      Keywords:Overlord s sky LanShiZi Overlord s skyRead the full text Overlord s skyTXT download

      Overlord s skylatest chapter:Volume 1: Adventures in the Royal Capital 160 Various Post-war Events

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