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Great Builder

Great Builder最新章节列表,Great Builder全文阅读

category Wuxiaauthor LanShiZistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 966100 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
total hits 6Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Great BuilderBrief introduction:

Time has entered the modern era, and the teacher-making sect that has existed in Qinghe Town for hundreds of years suddenly fell into a crisis of being unable to continue.  As the fifty-seventh generation successor, Lin Shou was urged by his old man to practice his sect's creation method day and night, and he spent his lonely and pale youth practicing day after day.

      Keywords:Great Builder LanShiZi Great BuilderRead the full text Great BuilderTXT download

      Great Builderlatest chapter:Text 181 Returning home for a nap

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