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fantasyland player

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category Sundriesauthor CaiBuShiHLuoListatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2061678 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
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fantasyland playerBrief introduction:

Someone who was once a boy woke up as a girl under inexplicable circumstances. He also inexplicably appeared in the far east of Japan. He was also inexplicably raped by a big pervert named Yakumo Murasaki.  Killed a dozen times.
The girl who was originally thought to be dead finally came back to life with the help of a broken golden finger in her body, but what awaited her was the door to a new world that she could not understand at all.
By reversing time and space, the past self has disappeared, and a new self was born from the gap in time. When the girl came back to her senses, she found that the space she lived in seemed to have become quite dangerous at some point.
The eldest vampire who flashes her fangs and puffs out her barely there breasts all day long and thinks she is very majestic. The witch who stays at home and studies magic as a side job and takes home as her main job. She still pretends to be herself even as she gets older.  The seventeen-year-old monster sage who no one else is allowed to talk about, the older ghost loli who looks like a kindergarten student but is full of alcohol and drinks all day long...
Gensokyo is so bad.

      Keywords:fantasyland player CaiBuShiHLuoLi fantasyland playerRead the full text fantasyland playerTXT download

      fantasyland playerlatest chapter:Volume 11 Vampires and Fantasy Land Chapter 4 The Separation and Murder Case

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