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Hunting the Three Kingdoms

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category Historicauthor KouShiWuLangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2615002 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
total hits 6Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Hunting the Three KingdomsBrief introduction:

A super powerful bow that can snipe enemies with a thousand steps; an invincible iron arm; an ambition that never gives up.
Those who praise it call it Liaodong Tianju; those who fear it call it a wolf from the north.
Traveling through the Three Kingdoms, killing one general a day, starting in Hebei, rising in Liaodong, eyeing the Central Plains, and sweeping the world.
This is Ma Han’s road to the Three Kingdoms.
He is not the number one marksman in the Three Kingdoms, but he is definitely the number one sniper in the Three Kingdoms.
"Give me a good bow, a fast horse, and enough arrows, and I can shoot, explode, and conquer the country!"
——Ma Han

      Keywords:Hunting the Three Kingdoms KouShiWuLang Hunting the Three KingdomsRead the full text Hunting the Three KingdomsTXT download

      Hunting the Three Kingdomslatest chapter:Volume 1: Fighting Dragon in the Wild [Remarks on the completion of this book and thanks to Six Mill

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