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stadium fanatic

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category Sci-fiauthor QingJiaoDanNaistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5563652 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
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stadium fanaticBrief introduction:

Berlusconi said: Losing Kaka is heartbreaking, missing Deegan will never be forgiven!
Maradona said: If I were to choose the three best players in the world now, 1. Deegan, 2. Kaká, 3. Messi, who is Ronaldo?  "
Deegan said: I don’t want to be anyone’s shadow or successor, I am me, the unique Rodrigo Izeson Santos Wright!

      Keywords:stadium fanatic QingJiaoDanNai stadium fanaticRead the full text stadium fanaticTXT download

      stadium fanaticlatest chapter:Volume 2 The Red and Black Years Chapter 244 Goodbye!

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