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Emerald Tower

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category Comicsauthor TuiFeiLongstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4531767 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
total hits 13Month hits 2Week hits 0
Total referrals 0Month referrals 0Week referrals 0

Emerald TowerBrief introduction:

The darkness in front of you is as shuddering as an abyss.
The burning heat of blood is like the magma on the banks of the sulfur river in hell, which chooses and devours people.
The intertwining of death and rebirth made Dean vow to kick all his enemies into the abyss and throw them into hell - let the darkness of the abyss drown them, making them tremble, and let the explosion in the sulfur river of hell swallow them, making them  They were shattered to pieces!
I have brought boundless fear, death, and disaster!
My crown is made of corpses and blood!
——Dean Ken

      Keywords:Emerald Tower TuiFeiLong Emerald TowerRead the full text Emerald TowerTXT download

      Emerald Towerlatest chapter:Text Final Chapter: Restarting the Journey

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