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Shenxiao Tiangong

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category Wuxiaauthor XueManLinZhongstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1565081 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
total hits 4Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Shenxiao TiangongBrief introduction:

One hundred and fifty years ago, the bald man rose up in the Hanbei grassland, swept the world, invaded China, and became the lord of the Middle Earth.
Buddha, Tao, Light, Fire Worship, New Moon, all the sects come to Beijing to fight once every ten years to divide the forces in the lower world.
Confucianism was completely suppressed. Tiancong Khan entered the pass, horseshoeed the Confucian temple, and shot Confucianism with arrows.
Since then, the rule of the bald man seems to be indestructible.
Until one hundred and fifty years later, Liu Yi came to this world with Shenxiao Tiangong!

      Keywords:Shenxiao Tiangong XueManLinZhong Shenxiao TiangongRead the full text Shenxiao TiangongTXT download

      Shenxiao Tiangonglatest chapter:Tang Chapter Chapter 101 Finale

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