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extraordinary evolution

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category Sci-fiauthor MenQianLaoShustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1634441 Wordslatest update 2024-09-06
total hits 0Month hits 0Week hits 0
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extraordinary evolutionBrief introduction:

Reborn in another world, the mission system starts immediately.  There are only two ways in front of Xu Dong: either fail the mission and die; or complete the mission and gain wealth, beauty, artifacts, mythical beasts... and the evolution of life!  However, what Xu Dong wants to know even more is what shocking secret is hidden behind the mission, and what is the ultimate meaning of the end of evolution?

      Keywords:extraordinary evolution MenQianLaoShu extraordinary evolutionRead the full text extraordinary evolutionTXT download

      extraordinary evolutionlatest chapter:Awakening Chapter 51 The End

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