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Emperor Danwu

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category Fantasyauthor HuoShuGaGastatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1007818 Wordslatest update 2024-09-06
total hits 5Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Emperor DanwuBrief introduction:

Li Qing, who was originally an ordinary man, thought that his martial arts future was about to be bleak, but suddenly received a letter from the future. The recipient of the envelope was written with a few shocking golden words: Personally signed by Emperor Danwu!
Will I become the emperor in the future?
Li Qing was shocked.
From then on, he knew about the treasures, the secret mansion, and the great changes!  On the crest of the times, he turned into a dragon, took the lead step by step, and seized one opportunity after another!
The Great Emperor?  Maybe it’s not the end yet!
There are thousands of ways, but I am the Taoist Lord!
ps1: Tao has another way, the meaning of Taoism.
PS2: The old work "Danwu Qiankun" has been ordered by thousands of people and has 3.6 million words. You may want to take a look.  Sina Weibo: Huoshu Gaga, please pay attention.

      Keywords:Emperor Danwu HuoShuGaGa Emperor DanwuRead the full text Emperor DanwuTXT download

      Emperor Danwulatest chapter:Volume 3 The Mysterious Taoist Palace Chapter 218 Big Foodie

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