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Half Immortal Civilization

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category Sci-fiauthor ShiJianTianYastatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5873461 Wordslatest update 2024-09-06
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Half Immortal CivilizationBrief introduction:

The combination of spiritual practice and technology has ignited a new era.  .
The future of mankind is the bright starry sky!  This is a story of rising step by step: from toddling to soaring, from looking up at the stars to passionate exploration, from being trapped on the earth to expanding into space; human beings have never stopped thinking, let alone developing and exploring.
“Dear viewers, mankind’s first interstellar expedition team will leave the solar system today, let us wish them well.”

      Keywords:Half Immortal Civilization ShiJianTianYa Half Immortal CivilizationRead the full text Half Immortal CivilizationTXT download

      Half Immortal Civilizationlatest chapter:Volume 4: Exploration, the never-ending pace Chapter 1320 You can call me Shennong (the finale)

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