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Fantasy Strike

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category Fantasyauthor ZiZaiWADEstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 557564 Wordslatest update 2024-09-06
total hits 5Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Fantasy StrikeBrief introduction:

A dream world, where all human imagination can become a real world.
“Legendary exotic flowers and plants, rare birds and beasts, fantasy species, and even the elixir of immortality can all be found in that world.
Magic, magic, black technology, superheroes, all kinds of forces are intertwined to create the most powerful myth.
It is heaven and hell.
Because human imagination is not only about truth, goodness and beauty, but also the existence of evil that is darker than darkness.
Chen Mo, who was silent, accidentally possessed the ability to travel between reality and fantasy.
Taking risks in the dream world, what he wants to seek is the power to stop being silent.
This is not a cool novel, but an adventure fairy tale dedicated to adults.
The author of "Strange Heroes" is WADE, and the new book is here.

      Keywords:Fantasy Strike ZiZaiWADE Fantasy StrikeRead the full text Fantasy StrikeTXT download

      Fantasy Strikelatest chapter:Text Chapter 116 Moonlight

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