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King s Journey to a Different Land

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category Fantasyauthor ZiYuanstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3027529 Wordslatest update 2024-09-06
total hits 6Month hits 0Week hits 0
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King s Journey to a Different LandBrief introduction:

A prince who was born in the Orc Empire has a completely different bloodline. His appearance is the same as that of a human being, and he has no orc characteristics.
And this mysterious life experience makes him feel out of place in the beast tribe and suffers from ostracism.
One day, he realized that this was not his own land, so he exiled himself and entered the wider world outside.
This is the world of lords, but this is not the world of lords.
Twenty years later, the situation is turbulent, and the new generation is showing its talents.
Welcome to a magnificent adventure on another continent.

      Keywords:King s Journey to a Different Land ZiYuan King s Journey to a Different LandRead the full text King s Journey to a Different LandTXT download

      King s Journey to a Different Landlatest chapter:Volume 13 The Gradual Truth Postscript

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