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Detective Conan: Watson

Detective Conan: Watson最新章节列表,Detective Conan: Watson全文阅读

category Sundriesauthor BingHuoKaMiaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3854754 Wordslatest update 2024-09-06
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Detective Conan: WatsonBrief introduction:

Kudo Shinichi is known as the Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei era, and his partner Qian Shui Qianjun is nicknamed the Watson of the Heisei era.  They work together to face the challenges of the dark organization in that confusing world.  The romance of childhood sweethearts, the friendship of life and death, the constant family affection, the ambiguity of the confidante, the coldness of the dark organization, and the sinister human nature of the case will accompany the pair to the distance.

      Keywords:Detective Conan: Watson BingHuoKaMiao Detective Conan: WatsonRead the full text Detective Conan: WatsonTXT download

      Detective Conan: Watsonlatest chapter:Volume 9 2001 Chapter 570 The Boy Abandoned by God

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