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Sword Dynasty

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category Fantasyauthor MoZuistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 7099338 Wordslatest update 2024-09-01
total hits 19Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Sword DynastyBrief introduction:

Since the destruction of the three dynasties of Han, Zhao and Wei, the Qin Dynasty has ushered in an unprecedented prosperous age. Powerful practitioners have emerged in an endless stream. Everyone is proud to be a Qin citizen. But Ding Ning, a Qin capital with no doubt of his origin  What an ordinary young man in Changling thinks about every day is to overthrow the Qin Dynasty and kill the Emperor of Qin, who has reached an unprecedented eighth level of cultivation.

      Keywords:Sword Dynasty MoZui Sword DynastyRead the full text Sword DynastyTXT download

      Sword Dynastylatest chapter:Text: Remarks at the end of this book, gossiping

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