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Crazy immortal

Crazy immortal最新章节列表,Crazy immortal全文阅读

category Wuxiaauthor ChenFengXiaostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 12445148 Wordslatest update 2024-08-24
total hits 18Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Crazy immortalBrief introduction:

Workplace version: How does a newcomer who has just entered the company survive and develop under the pressure of old employees.
Inspirational version: How a small migrant worker who left his hometown adapts and integrates into urban life with his hands.
E-commerce version: How does a small shopkeeper who has just started to make a name for himself in a large number of shops.
This book is about a fairy tale, not a city. It tells the story of a young man who ascended from the lower world and relied on his own hands to rise rapidly in the unfamiliar world of cultivation and fight to create his own legend.

      Keywords:Crazy immortal ChenFengXiao Crazy immortalRead the full text Crazy immortalTXT download

      Crazy immortallatest chapter:First Step into the Immortal Realm Chapter 1,252 A Thousand Years of Dreams (Finale)

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