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Sen Luo

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category Wuxiaauthor JuLingstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3260726 Wordslatest update 2024-08-18
total hits 12Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Sen LuoBrief introduction:

Everything has spirit!
Qi has spirit, so it is aura.
Light has spirit, so it is aura.
Things have spirits, so they are spiritual things.
There are countless creatures in the universe.  There are different types and shapes of life, and they are all kinds of strange things.  However, there is only one way to make them stronger, and that is spiritual cultivation!
There are countless ways to cultivate one’s spirit.  There are ways of fierce martial arts, there are ways of strange and mysterious spiritual skills, there are ways of supreme elixirs, there are ways of shocking formations... With thousands of spiritual ways, what is the supreme one?
Su Long, an orphan, inherited the power of ancient times, went through countless tests of life and death, and finally became the Supreme Way and took charge of Senluo!

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      Sen Luolatest chapter:Text Chapter 425 Li Zelin!

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