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mercenary war

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category Romanceauthor RuShuiYistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 12069478 Wordslatest update 2024-08-18
total hits 17Month hits 2Week hits 0
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mercenary warBrief introduction:

Gao Yang is a military fan, a very ordinary military fan who loves knives, guns and adventure.
In an accident, Gao Yang ran to Africa and unfortunately encountered a plane crash. He was lucky enough to survive, but from then on he could only live under the gunpoint because he became a mercenary.
How high can a military fan reach in the international mercenary world?
Please wait and see.

      Keywords:mercenary war RuShuiYi mercenary warRead the full text mercenary warTXT download

      mercenary warlatest chapter:Chapter 2790 Sense of Presence

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