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electronic rebirth

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category Romanceauthor ZhouShuostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 6187073 Wordslatest update 2024-08-15
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electronic rebirthBrief introduction:

Zhou Shuo is a technical geek with ideals, but reality has forced him to a dead end.
“In this life, the Chinese chip industry that he strives for seems to have no way out.
Desperate, he died drunk, but he didn't expect that God would let him be reborn back to 1994 and give him another chance.
This time he not only wants to make up for the regrets in his life, he also wants to revitalize the entire Chinese chip industry!
Finally, he finally stood on the stage of duel with Microsoft and Intel. Behind him fell Samsung, Sony, Nikon, Cisco, HP, Canon, Apple...
Behind his enemies are Applied Materials, Texas Instruments, Qualcomm, Oracle, EMC and Big Blue IBM, and even the most powerful organization in the world, the United States.
This is a desperate war. He decided not to fight alone in this life, and vowed to build Huangpu of chips!

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