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rural land man

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category Romanceauthor DaoSanstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1414222 Wordslatest update 2024-08-15
total hits 14Month hits 1Week hits 0
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rural land manBrief introduction:

Our goal is: break out of the countryside and surround the city!
This is an era of lawlessness, godlessness and immortality. In such an era where even religious leaders dare not confirm the existence of gods, Meng Li has become the only god in the godless era. Although... he is only a small earth god, but he...  …only one.
And the land god is just the beginning.

      Keywords:rural land man DaoSan rural land manRead the full text rural land manTXT download

      rural land manlatest chapter:Volume 1: There is an Earth Temple on the Mountain Chapter 197: The Sea of ??Consciousness Opens

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