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Marshal Tianpeng

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category Wuxiaauthor DaMengQistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3399857 Wordslatest update 2024-08-15
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Marshal TianpengBrief introduction:

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Hearing the meaning of the words leads to immortality; hearing the words, the mind returns to find freedom.
I am Zhu Ganglie, but I have not yet become Marshal Tianpeng. My master is Chang'e, who taught me the immortal magic.
Advise me to cultivate immortality and be free.
I wish to live forever!

      Keywords:Marshal Tianpeng DaMengQi Marshal TianpengRead the full text Marshal TianpengTXT download

      Marshal Tianpenglatest chapter:Text Chapter 391 The Return of the Gods (Grand Finale)

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