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immortal god

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category Fantasyauthor ChouNiu1985status serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 350299 Wordslatest update 2024-08-14
total hits 15Month hits 0Week hits 0
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immortal godBrief introduction:

The Heavenly Court has passed away, and the immortal magic remains.  The Demon King returns to the stars.  The road to reincarnation is gone!  The supreme inheritance failed!
“You brought me here just to starve me to death?” Qin Chuan asked God.  "No, it's salvation!"
"I just want to be my third generation noble, my third generation fairy. What does salvation have to do with me?" Qin Chuan asked again.  "It doesn't matter, but I caught you accidentally!"
"Then can't you just grab another one?" "We don't have much mana left, we have to keep the entire universe running!" "Damn!" Qin Chuan raised his middle finger to the sky!
This book will continue to follow a humorous style. If you feel it is good, just collect it!

      Keywords:immortal god ChouNiu1985 immortal godRead the full text immortal godTXT download

      immortal godlatest chapter:Text Chapter 41: Fired again!

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