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Big corpse brother

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category Sci-fiauthor ShaoListatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3705178 Wordslatest update 2024-08-14
total hits 16Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Big corpse brotherBrief introduction:

During a class reunion, the protagonist became half-human and half-corpse due to a rain of blood. He lived a low-key life in a survivor camp among millions of corpses as if there was no one around.
Do you think this is the end of the world?  wrong!  Do you still want me to say it?
The above is Lin Hong’s low-key life. You say it’s the end of the world, but I say it’s heaven!

      Keywords:Big corpse brother ShaoLi Big corpse brotherRead the full text Big corpse brotherTXT download

      Big corpse brotherlatest chapter:Volume One: Doomsday Scenes Chapter 512 Finale

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