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Angrily trampling the sky

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category Fantasyauthor NuXingTianstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 668843 Wordslatest update 2024-08-14
total hits 15Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Angrily trampling the skyBrief introduction:

Zhang Heng, a young man from the Blood Lion Tribe of the Divine Wilderness Continent!
He committed the blasphemous crime of peeping on the holy aunt and was sentenced to death by the execution hall!
So, how can he get rid of his charges and escape this disaster?
He was given an ancient blood ban that imprisoned heaven and earth, and he could no longer step into the ranks of cultivators!
So, what made him embark on the path of an evildoer who swallows the destiny of the world and seizes the creation of all things?
"Young master Zhang Heng, arrogant Zhang, arrogant and arrogant!" Zhang Heng said.
Trampling on the sky with anger: Dominate the will of heaven and earth, trample on the demons and gods!

      Keywords:Angrily trampling the sky NuXingTian Angrily trampling the skyRead the full text Angrily trampling the skyTXT download

      Angrily trampling the skylatest chapter:Text Chapter 76 The mysterious call

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