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Memorial to the Great Devil

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category Sci-fiauthor HuanLestatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1339998 Wordslatest update 2024-08-14
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Memorial to the Great DevilBrief introduction:

The future is not as beautiful as human imagination, and human living standards have dropped by several levels.
The universe is infinite. If humans want to explore the universe, they will probably die of old age before they fly out of the solar system. The development of cosmic structure and space technology has brought humans into contact with the mysterious universe, and drastic changes began.
A scientific researcher obtained a demonic artifact from the remains of a mysterious creature and was reborn ten years ago, and a legend was born...

      Keywords:Memorial to the Great Devil HuanLe Memorial to the Great DevilRead the full text Memorial to the Great DevilTXT download

      Memorial to the Great Devillatest chapter:Volume 1 Chapter 140 Space Treasure

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