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category Wuxiaauthor MoJiShuChongstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 16016539 Wordslatest update 2024-08-11
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tahoeBrief introduction:

Taihao is the sky.
Because of a fairy tale when he was young, he dreamed of traveling across the world, and the young man made up his mind to embark on the path of seeking the truth...
How deep the sea is, only the Kunyu can know; how high the sky is, only the Peng bird can know; how big the world is, only I, the stars, can illuminate the sky and all the realms.
Soaring up to ninety thousand miles, the wind and clouds stir the nine heavens.  Even people like ants still have the heart to realize the Hunyuan!

      Keywords:tahoe MoJiShuChong tahoeRead the full text tahoeTXT download

      tahoelatest chapter:Volume 1 Kunyu Chapter Fan: The World Without Mengdie 44

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