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category Historicauthor QingShiJinChengHuistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4797415 Wordslatest update 2024-08-11
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HauntingBrief introduction:

That year Li Zicheng was so proud that he went straight to Huanglong;
That year Dorgon was ready to go and galloped across the Central Plains;
That year, the officials of the Ming Dynasty were confused and did not know their future;
That year, a humble life was added to the long river of history...
People who were unwilling to be slaves roared: expel the Tartars and restore China!

      Keywords:Haunting QingShiJinChengHui HauntingRead the full text HauntingTXT download

      Hauntinglatest chapter:Volume One Chapter 105 The Army Heads West

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