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Throne of All Realms

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category Fantasyauthor QiYueHuostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 11862419 Wordslatest update 2024-08-11
total hits 14Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Throne of All RealmsBrief introduction:

Thousands of realms are vying for supremacy, and I hold the throne!  In the world of Tianyuan, there are many large areas, and the strong are rampant. All the forces can be divided into nine stars from weak to strong!  The young man Luo Chen, who was only born into a power that was not a star, brazenly launched a challenge to the strongest sect in the Dongxuan Territory for the sake of family ties and to save his beloved mother!  Men, if you want to fight, fight with the strongest genius; if you want to step on, let’s step on the noblest bloodline!  I, the son of the Luo family, will not kneel down!  Don't bend over!  Don't bow your head!  I swear to make this dazzling starry sky and all the heavens in all realms bow their heads!

      Keywords:Throne of All Realms QiYueHuo Throne of All RealmsRead the full text Throne of All RealmsTXT download

      Throne of All Realmslatest chapter:Text Chapter 1,758 Entering the Cave

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