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prehistoric time

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category Fantasyauthor JingMoJieZoustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 6447615 Wordslatest update 2024-08-11
total hits 13Month hits 0Week hits 0
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prehistoric timeBrief introduction:

Should monks go with heaven or go against heaven?  As one of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods who masters the laws of time that defy the heavens, I set the rules. I can obey the heavens or defy the heavens with just one thought.
Hongmeng initially sentenced my husband to the Three Thousand Laws to educate the devil.
There are only three thousand demon gods in the chaos that lasted for billions of years.
The three flowers on the top are magical, and the five qi in the chest change a lot.
People want to ask me who I am?  The number of green stars is as high as the wild life.  Time travel is purely fictitious, life is precious.  --196749002 thousand people

      Keywords:prehistoric time JingMoJieZou prehistoric timeRead the full text prehistoric timeTXT download

      prehistoric timelatest chapter:Text Chapter 549 Three Thousand Avenues All Returned to One (Grand Finale)

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