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Dragon rises from Nanyang

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category Historicauthor LiuLeiDeYuwyjstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 13853498 Wordslatest update 2024-08-09
total hits 13Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Dragon rises from NanyangBrief introduction:

In the mid-19th century, China began to sink under the invasion of the West!  The powerful ships and cannons of the great powers opened the country's gates, opium plundered the people's wealth, and China was covered in dust!
Long Yufei, a doctor of both mechanics and metallurgy, returned to the late Qing Dynasty, rose up in Nanyang, overthrew the Manchu Qing Dynasty, took the last train of colonial expansion, and realized national rejuvenation!
??The dragon rises from the South Seas, travels across the four seas, and ends the era of sailing!

      Keywords:Dragon rises from Nanyang LiuLeiDeYuwyj Dragon rises from NanyangRead the full text Dragon rises from NanyangTXT download

      Dragon rises from Nanyanglatest chapter:Text Chapter 1554 The Sea of ??Stars (Grand Finale)

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