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In order not to be pushed down by the brave

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category Sundriesauthor BaiHuShuiGuostatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 128957 Wordslatest update 2024-07-14
total hits 29Month hits 3Week hits 0
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In order not to be pushed down by the braveBrief introduction:

"The brave man of justice defeats the evil devil. That is just a fairy tale. The real world is not that simple. Children will understand it as soon as they open this book.
“When the devil is no longer evil, when the brave is no longer just, and when the brave falls in love with the devil, what will happen to the story between the devil and the brave?  And what will be the final outcome?
In order to escape from the hero's advances, and not to be pushed down by her with a shy face, I - Akalette, the 23rd generation Demon King of the Demon King City who is known as the most powerful in history, began an almost never-ending journey across various worlds.  The great escape......

      Keywords:In order not to be pushed down by the brave BaiHuShuiGuo In order not to be pushed down by the braveRead the full text In order not to be pushed down by the braveTXT download

      In order not to be pushed down by the bravelatest chapter:Go work!  Lord Demon King Chapter 43 Fainted again

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