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Kill the Immortal

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category Wuxiaauthor XiaoDingstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 3999268 Wordslatest update 2024-07-13
total hits 21Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Kill the ImmortalBrief introduction:

The Heavenly Demon King’s Court, which once ruled all the realms of Hongmeng and was so powerful, has been lost in the dust of time. The human race took its place. After burying the glory of the demon race with their own hands, they became the new masters of the Hongmeng world.  Ten thousand years later, in the unprecedented prosperous age of human race cultivating immortals, many dormant alien races were secretly watching, and an ordinary young man left his hometown and ushered in his turbulent life...

      Keywords:Kill the Immortal XiaoDing Kill the ImmortalRead the full text Kill the ImmortalTXT download

      Kill the Immortallatest chapter:Text Chapter 447 Epilogue

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