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Dragon of the Steam Age

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category Fantasyauthor BanYiQingTingstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 909929 Wordslatest update 2024-07-13
total hits 18Month hits 2Week hits 1
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Dragon of the Steam AgeBrief introduction:

“I have a dream, I hope to be a human being and not a dragon!”
"I have been determined since I was born, and I will work hard to become a human being!"
The first Rock City Dragon Slaying Conference, a golden dragon gave a speech on the stage
In the Age of Discovery, the great navigator Sinbad brought back a dragon egg from a distant new world.
In the year 375 of the Nautical Calendar, the dragon eggs displayed in the museum were struck by lightning.
So in the age of steam and gunpowder, a giant dragon appeared.
This is the story of a modern boy who traveled through time and became a dragon, doing all kinds of evil in the steam age.

      Keywords:Dragon of the Steam Age BanYiQingTing Dragon of the Steam AgeRead the full text Dragon of the Steam AgeTXT download

      Dragon of the Steam Agelatest chapter:Text Chapter 248 Baiju City

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