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Harry Potter and the Intruder

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category Sundriesauthor WoShiBaoZiJiangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 238028 Wordslatest update 2024-07-13
total hits 22Month hits 2Week hits 0
Total referrals 0Month referrals 0Week referrals 0

Harry Potter and the IntruderBrief introduction:

??When Chuyang spread the golden mist into the world and all living beings were intoxicated...
Io Wilding said: "What's so good about this, we have to get up and work again."
??When the blue sky teases a few floating clouds, and all living beings are admiring it...
Io Wilding said: "Look at the clouds being so thick, it's not good, it's going to rain again, I have to run quickly."
"When a person suddenly says to him that you have been approved to enter a magic school...
Io Wilding said: "Are there any tuition and fees?"
This is the story of a guy who accidentally entered the magical world due to a small accident and lived happily.
Yes, he came in randomly, and he didn’t ask for anything else. He was just an eternal optimist.
(Unscrupulous update, pig’s feet...are Muggles, please notify me in advance, readers please pay attention)

      Keywords:Harry Potter and the Intruder WoShiBaoZiJiang Harry Potter and the IntruderRead the full text Harry Potter and the IntruderTXT download

      Harry Potter and the Intruderlatest chapter:Vol.3 Let's play a game Ch.052 YEP - Game prologue

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