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category Comicsauthor YiTuoPanZistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5377795 Wordslatest update 2024-07-12
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Hot restricted areaBrief introduction:

"Although we don't know whether Chamberlain is the greatest basketball star in history, there is no doubt that he absolutely dominated his basketball era! In that era, he was undefendable and indestructible!"  ——The most authoritative media in the United States, "USA·TODAY", commented on Chamberlain.
"Who should be in the strongest lineup in NBA history? The defender must have Jordan, and the interior must have Chamberlain." - Recognized by reporters from the world's basketball media.
“Give me a Wilt Chamberlain, and then go to the street and pick four people, and then I will give you a championship. It’s that simple.” - Pat Riley, the new godfather of the league, expressed his views on Chamberlain in an interview.
"MJ made the world know about the NBA, and Chamberlain made the world like the NBA." - Stern answered when asked which players contributed the most to the NBA's global promotion.

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      Hot restricted arealatest chapter:Volume 1 1040 Absolute Sound (Finale)

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