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Winning ticket is in hand

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category Comicsauthor dleerZuoPinJistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2733043 Wordslatest update 2024-07-11
total hits 12Month hits 2Week hits 1
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Winning ticket is in handBrief introduction:

Some people say that the coach's task is to lead the team to victory, some say that the coach's task is to guide the players to be better, some say that the coach's task is to make the team more brilliant - I have done all of these, but it is not enough.  .  What I want to say is that as a coach, in addition to these pursuits, the highest pursuit is to make football greater.

      Keywords:Winning ticket is in hand dleerZuoPinJi Winning ticket is in handRead the full text Winning ticket is in handTXT download

      Winning ticket is in handlatest chapter:Cow Pass Final Chapter - Ten Years Later

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