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Dragon Tomb World

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category Comicsauthor LongGuWeistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2960996 Wordslatest update 2024-07-11
total hits 14Month hits 1Week hits 0
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Dragon Tomb WorldBrief introduction:

If one day, you find that the game you are playing is not just a game
If one day, you find that your game character will affect reality
If one day, you find that monsters from another world can invade this world
“If one day, you find that you suddenly have the ability to access files in the real world like a game...
When Zhou Xian touched a strange rune on the virtual helmet given to him by his father, all these what-ifs became reality...
After finishing the second part of the novel "Dragon Tomb", Dragon Bone Guard will open a new world for you here.

      Keywords:Dragon Tomb World LongGuWei Dragon Tomb WorldRead the full text Dragon Tomb WorldTXT download

      Dragon Tomb Worldlatest chapter:Text Chapter 665: Comeback

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