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evil god

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category Fantasyauthor PaoPanstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 504532 Wordslatest update 2024-07-11
total hits 18Month hits 1Week hits 1
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evil godBrief introduction:

A child of an aristocratic family with average qualifications could only spend his life in an ordinary way.
However, after getting a volume of mysterious ancient paintings, he discovered that the ancient paintings were connected to an exotic space, where he could speed up his cultivation. From then on, he embarked on an exciting path of cultivation.
In the end, he grew into a peerless God King who is both good and evil!

      Keywords:evil god PaoPan evil godRead the full text evil godTXT download

      evil godlatest chapter:Text Chapter 133 Brothers of the same Mind (End)

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