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Soul Martial Universe

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category Fantasyauthor ShangGuanChenXistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2334985 Wordslatest update 2024-07-11
total hits 18Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Soul Martial UniverseBrief introduction:

In this world, in terms of force, warriors are the strongest, but in terms of charisma, soul masters are the strongest!  As long as the soul master waves his hand, countless powerful people will come over and beg you to give them a chance to do things for you... Xiao Yu, a young man who has embarked on the dual cultivation of soul and martial arts, for the sake of his family and his lover,  He worked hard to surpass his opponents and protect his favorite... For the sake of the creatures on this land, he shouldered the heavy burden of being a savior, turned the tide, killed gods when he met, and killed demons when he met...  .When he stood at the top, he looked back and saw only one person, one soul and one tiger struggling to move forward...

      Keywords:Soul Martial Universe ShangGuanChenXi Soul Martial UniverseRead the full text Soul Martial UniverseTXT download

      Soul Martial Universelatest chapter:Text Chapter 26 The finale, the great success

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